Integrated Sustainability, the IKEA catalogue story and Future Cities – Tom Bosschaert #095

How should we live in the future and what really means integrated sustainability? Let´s learn the IKEA catalogue story and listen to the concept of ORCHID CITY – two examples Tom Bosschaert explained in this podcast episode from Dubai. Tom Bosschaert is director of Except Integrated Sustainability. They work with front-running partners to realize breakthrough sustainable projects for cities, buildings, companies, and industry. Tom is also the creator and founder of Orchid City, an answer to the great challenge of our time. Orchid City is a design blueprint of a living environment that answers several of the most pressing global issues of our time. Orchid City doesn’t try to solve problems. Instead, it asks the question: what would an ideal living environment be like? By doing so, it addresses the majority of the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). Let´s learn more in the podcast-interview.

 Here you can find more information about the projects mentioned in the podcast-episode:

Read the IKEA catalogue story:

✌️Integrated Sustainability, the Ikea catalogue story and Future Cites – Tom Bosschaert #095

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